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  • Thursday, 23 January 2025

Whose Praise Do You appreciate The Most?

Whose Praise Do You appreciate The Most?

Whose Praise Do You appreciate The Most?

John 5:41
“I do not accept glory from human beings,

New Living Translation
“Your approval means nothing to me,

Contemporary English Version
I don’t care about human praise,

Good News Translation
“I am not looking for human praise.

John 5:44
How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?

Contemporary English Version
How could you possibly believe? You like to have your friends praise you, and you don’t care about praise that the only God can give!

If you were to be praised for making it top of your class, whose praise would you appreciate the most? If you were to be praised by your siblings and your parents, whose praise would you appreciate the most? If your local leaders praised you and the head of government in your country also praised you, whose praise would you appreciate the most?

We appreciate everyone who praises us. We love to be praised even when we do not deserve it. However, when certain persons praise us it carries more weight because of their status in society and what they mean to us. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

Praise is the same as being glorified by someone. Who do you want to give you glory? Praise is as good as approval. Who do you want to approve you? Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

Jewish leaders started persecuting Jesus because He healed on Sabbath the man who had been sick by the pool for thirty-eight years, John 5:16. Jesus responded to them and our text today is part of that long response that goes to the end of the chapter, John 5:17.

Jesus tells them that He does not need their approval, He does not need their glory, and He does not need their praise. Jesus tells them that He speaks and acts to get the glory, praise, and approval from God and not from mere human beings. Jesus tells them that He is not desperate for their praise. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

Jesus tells them they can’t threaten Him because He does not need their praise. Jesus tells them their opinion would not affect His work because He does not need their praise. Jesus tells them that their negativity against Him means nothing because He does not need their praise. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

If you are desperate for someone’s approval you may act foolishly to impress him or her. If you are desperate for someone’s approval you can risk your life to impress him or her. If you are desperate for praise you can embarrass yourself and risk it all. You need to be careful about whose approval you desperately need because that person can directly or indirectly affect you. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

When you are in love and you desperately need the attention, praise, and approval of your partner, you will act foolishly. You will most likely be abused. You will most likely be abandoned at an hour of need such as pregnancy, etc. You will most likely be doing more of the work to sustain the relationship hoping the person will change and love you, but it will never happen. Desperation makes us objects of hate by the person we are desperate for. In fact, we become attractive when we walk away. Therefore, we should be careful about whose praise we are desperate for. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

Desperation for approval at work will make you a slave. Slaves are used but never paid. slaves do even dirty jobs and get blamed to protect the boss. Desperation has caused homeworkers to lie and spy on other workers in order to get the approval of the boss. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

Jesus told the Jewish leaders that He was not desperate for their approval. Jesus did not appreciate their praise the most. Whose praise do you appreciate the most?

Jesus told Jewish leaders that they were failures spiritually and otherwise because they loved to praise each other and did not have praise from God. Praise or approval from people who are already biased toward you is useless. If your friends, relatives, and sycophants praise you, it is not worth it.

Jesus told Jewish leaders that only the praise from God was worth anything ultimately. Jesus told them to stop basking in the useless praise they have for each other. Praise from God is due on judgment day. Are you ready for judgment day when Jesus will commend some and condemn others? That is the day when true irreversible praise will be given.

May God save me from the desperation for praise that makes me a slave to people. May I be found worthy of praise by God before God, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

(c) Rei Kesis

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