Chebet Ronoh unmasked by former PA for attacking Kate Actress

Chebet Ronoh unmasked by former PA for attacking Kate Actress
Ronoh accused Kate Actress of stealing her content
Naturality Michelle also known as Michelle Kaibere has spoken about what Chebet Ronoh could be going through after the content creator attacked some of the influencers for using her content to thrive.
Naturality who is a Mistress of Ceremony (MC) has a YouTube channel also and Ronoh was among the first guests she interviewed.
Michelle who is a student at Daystar University just like Ronoh has accused her of stagnating when she had the opportunity of advancing to build a big brand for herself.
Michelle says that Ronoh texted her one day only to say that she had lost interest in the content that they were doing.
Michelle said that she decided to create her own content and that is when Ronoh decided to reach out to her again to explain why she quit what they were doing unexpectedly.
Ronoh would then tell Michelle that her body was not 100 percent okay and also added that their stars were not aligned.
What is Ronoh going through?
Michelle thinks Ronoh should be grateful to Kate Actress for using her hashtag instead of accusing her of stealing her content when she was asked to air her views on the matter.
"For Kate it's really painful because she is a mother and someone who can also be your mother. If she used the name, Aunty Debs, it should be a win for you because this is someone who has a great voice in the media," stated Michelle.
She added that she is aware Ronoh has gone through depression, but mental health should not be an excuse for her to drag other beautiful women in the mud.
Michelle added that Ronoh has been to a rehabilitation facility if she can remember because she was overdoing drugs at some point in her life.
Michelle recalled how she was interviewing Ronoh one day only for her to interfere along the way to smoke.
She was disturbed because she doesn't smoke but also because it was very early in the morning for someone to do so.
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