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  • Sunday, 08 September 2024
Taxi Drivers Declare Nationwide Strike

Taxi Drivers Declare Nationwide Strike

Taxi-hailing industry players on Sunday, July 9, publicized a nationwide strike focused at forcing the government, specifically Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, to address their concerns.

A message shared by the management of the taxi-hailing services association stipulated that the strike will also necessitate other public transport service providers among them matatu operators and boda boda riders.
The taxi drivers maintained that the government had failed to address their concerns despite countless petitions and pleas to help them better the industry.

"There shall be a nationwide strike on Wednesday, July 12, involving everyone in the transport industry including taxi drivers, matatus, boda boda operators and other affiliate transport service providers.
"Do not try to put your car on the road. We are warning you not to try to test the waters on the day of the strike. We will take to the streets and demonstrate up until when our demands shall be met by the government," the leader stated.
Among the issues that taxi drivers want addressed include the cost of fuel, traffic police harassment, insecurity in their industries and pay rates from digital .
The taxi drivers and motorists were thus alerted to keep their cars off the road to avoid displeasing confronts during the industrial strike.

The taxi drivers were clear on their intention, indicating that they will ensure that all transport systems in the country are immobilized until their demands are met.


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