Driving In a Convoy

Driving In a Convoy
A car convoy is generally made up of four parts:
i). Lead Car
ii). Marshall (Optional, mostly required when the convoy is large.)
iii). Sweeper
iv). Members’ cars
Lead Car Role
- It will decide the convoy speed, movement, and stoppages. All cars need to respect lead car decisions.
- It will constantly view mirrors to ensure the convoy is not spacing out too far.
- If a lot of traffic lights are encountered, it may be necessary to pull over somewhere safely to reform.
- A generous use of indicators when changing direction.
- Inform the group prior to departure of the destination and any stops.
Sweeper Role
- Keep visual contact with the Lead Car (if possible).
- Use 2 way radios or mobiles to contact Lead Car if necessary.
- Ensure no member car is left behind.
Marshall Role
- Stay in the middle of the convoy.
- May move out of position to group strayed vehicles.
- Aid the convoy in crossing junctions.
- Ensure convoy is in formation.
Members’ cars Role
- Do not overtake other member car unless of an emergency.
- Watch the leader for overtaking (use indicators)
- Maintain a safe distance from the car in front
- Do not let the car in front get out of sight.
- Flash your lights if in trouble.
Rules to be followed.
1.) Headlights On
This is how the rest of the world knows what is going on. Your lights on enable you to see your fellow members and know who is with you. If someone pulls off the road in trouble they are easier to identify in the rear view mirror. Best of all it really looks cool.
- Overtaking
Overtake only when legal and safe to do so. DO NOT overtake on double white lines, on bends or at any place where the way ahead is not clear. If a member of the group or public wants to overtake you, please let them.
3) Don’t follow too close
When in a convoy keeping good distances is a must for safety as well as an act of kindness to the car you are following. Your cars are special and worth a lot of money so don’t risk them. If we are traveling slowly, i.e. less than 40km/h, bumper to bumper is not an issue BUT do not tailgate the car in front at high speed. Your braking reaction plus your braking distance would increase. Keep a safe distance away!
4) Allow other traffic to intermingle
Instinctively, people in a convoy don’t want to allow other cars to merge into the line. You must allow other drivers to move in and out of your convoy. Other drivers usually are intimidated or in awe of the spectacle and need to be given extra consideration. Be patient in letting them find their place and overtake them if necessary when they settle in a bad spot. You want other drivers to say, “Wow that was neat”. Be a friendly convoy.
5) The speed should be reasonable
This is hard. It is all too easy to slow down or let the speed creep up. When you have a diverse group of drivers and car capability, there will be people who think it’s too slow and others who say you are going too fast. Try to stay with the flow of other traffic. This reduces the need for constant lane changes and overtaking, making the drive safer for the group. It is each individual driver’s responsibility to keep the vehicle behind him or her in sight, insuring the group stays together. If the car behind slows down, please slow down with it. If each car does this convoy will stay together. Do not go faster than you feel comfortable driving! If you feel that the cars in front are driving without consideration for you or for other road users, please do not try to keep up. It is better that you fall back and inform nearest crew car or the lead car.
6) In case of difficulties or problems
If a car gets in trouble, nobody in the convoy stops EXCEPT for the sweeper. The sweeper will ensure everything is all right and the convoy must proceed on until a suitable stopping place is found. A whole line of cars along a busy road translates to a higher chance of accidents waiting to happen. The troubled car needs to mention they are stopping with a call sign.
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