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  • Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Pressing On For Your Miracle.
Part 1.

Pressing On For Your Miracle.  <br>Part 1.

Life is all about keeping on to press hard through challenges.

Pressing implies convincing through resolute circumstances. The Chronicles of the lady with the issue of blood shows the situation of a lady opposing chances to acquire her supernatural occurrence. The lady had a condition she suffered for a long time. She had done what she could do; booking meetings with the best doctors, buying drugs for treatment, yet her issue turned out to be far more terrible. She didn't beat that. At the point when heard of Jesus the Messiah as He was approaching preaching  and performing supernatural occurrences, she chose to meet Him for her miracle .

Though Jesus was surrounded by a great multitude, it didn't hinder her, she was determined to be healed. She thronged her way through and touched His garment and her flow stopped.

Reflecting on this woman, having spent all those hard years, she was probably so devastated. So feeble even as she pressed on to receive her miracle. She might have gone through lots of humiliation because of her issue. Nevertheless, she was determined to overcome every obstacle to receive her miracle. This is a great example of pressing on, a faith that defies all odds to obtain its miracle.

Jesus gave a parable of a friend who had a friend visit. This friend had nothing to serve him, so he decided to go to his friend’s house at midnight and asked him to lend him some bread. But his friend declined to open the door and said that his family was in bed. He kept on knocking despite that. Because of his persistence, the friend woke up and gave him what he was asking for. We have to be persistent in that which we are believing God to do for us. Without persistence, we can easily miss out on our miracles. Luke 10:9. The bible says if we keep on asking it will be given to us. If we keep on seeking we shall find and if we keep on knocking the door shall be opened for us. For those who are persistent will receive that which they seek.   

Pressing on requires some degree of boldness.

In the parable of a widow who went to seek justice, Jesus narrates how she went to a judge who feared neither God nor man. The widow needed justice and legal protection from her adversary. The judge never bothered about her issue. Yet because of her boldness and pressing on for that which she desired without giving up, the judge gave her Justice and legal protection. (Luke 18) This bound faith is what God is seeking. He will avenge and defend His chosen ones who cry to Him day and night. This boldness comes by the Holy Spirit. We cannot navigate life's challenges without the support of the Holy Spirit. We need to ask for His help. 

 Pressing on requires faith.

As you press on in prayer, you also need to believe; have faith that God is going to perform the extraordinary. After the ascension of Christ Jesus, the disciples were in the upper room, pressing on in prayer. They had faith that they would be endowed with power by the Holy Spirit and would preach the gospel; signs, miracles, and wonders following them. Since Jesus had told them that they would do greater works than He did, they had to believe, otherwise, their prayers and fasting would be futile.

 During the reign of Ahab, the famine was severe in Samaria. After three and a half years, Prophet Elijah prophesied to him that there would be an abundance of rain. The rain didn't just come easily. Elijah had to press on in prayers. He went on Mount Carmel and prayed. He pushed on not once nor thrice but seven times and on the seventh time, his servant informed him that he could see a cloud from the sky and then followed a heavy downpour. It took faith for the prophet to see this come to pass.

Pressing on requires a push.

There are certain static circumstances in life that all we require to do to eliminate them is the push-Pressing on. Remember the story of Hannah? She had a situation that was beyond her. No doctor could help solve her issue, not even her husband could. She took off her eyes from mere men and decided to press on towards God.       

Hannah was so much loved by her Husband Elkanah but Peninnah kept mocking her for not having children. Though she was loved, that did not allow her to remain comfortable in her predicament. She knew that children came from God and resolved on pressing on in prayer for her miracle. Even when the Priest Eli thought she was drunk while pouring out her heart unto God, she didn't let that deter her. She continued and this provoked God to grant her a child who became a great prophet.     

Being constant in prayers produces results.  Pressing on for that miracle bears fruits.  Let us keep the fire on the altar of prayer burning.  For the earnest prayer of a righteous man availeth much. 


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