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  • Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Avoid Assumptions Avoid Problems

Avoid Assumptions Avoid Problems

Avoid Assumptions Avoid Problems

John 5:6
When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

An assumption is an unverified information that is believed as true. Believing your own perception and suspicion without verifying is an assumption. If you avoid assumptions you will avoid problems!

We have a biased opinions about everything and everyone. It is easier to make assumptions than to verify the truth. Assumptions held for so long may be treated as gospel truth when it is completely untrue. If you avoid assumptions you will avoid problems!

Jesus refused to make assumptions. Jesus arrives at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus finds a man who has been sick for thirty-eight years and lying around that pool. That pool was believed to give healing if the patient jumps in first when an Angel stirs it. This man was unable to jump in first for all these years and there was no one to help him.

When we meet the man at the pool, we can all easily make an assumption that he needs healing. Jesus refused to make an assumption. Jesus asked the man – do you want to get well? Jesus refused to believe that being sick for many years and being at the pool meant that one needed healing. The assumption is unverified beliefs. Jesus chose to verify and therefore asked the sick man – do you want to get well?

Mark 10:51
“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.
The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

As Jesus passed by Jericho accompanied by a huge crowd He heard someone desperately calling Him. Blind Bartimaeus called Jesus in a loud voice to have mercy on him. When Jesus meets blind Bartimaeus, the assumption we all make is that he wants his sight restored. Jesus refuses to make assumptions and therefore asks the blind man to verify what he wants. The assumption is unverified beliefs are treated as truth. Jesus asks the blind man – what do you want me to do for you?

We assume what someone wanted to tell us when they called and therefore refused to pick up the call. We assume why someone said what they said. We assume why someone didn’t attend our event. We assume why somebody posted something on social media. Jesus the all-knowing God refused to make assumptions. Are we better than Jesus?

We assume why someone talked to someone we consider an enemy. We assume why somebody rejected our request. We assume that someone has a lot of money and should have helped us more. Jesus the all-knowing God verified before believing and acting. Jesus refused to make assumptions. Why do we make assumptions?

Hostility between people is based on assumptions most times. Disagreements most times are based on assumptions. Don’t we challenge our adversaries by telling them- I know what you meant, yet it is our assumption?

When people tell us about others who don’t like us, we assume that they are telling us the truth. Jesus wouldn’t make that assumption. Jesus would verify before believing. If we avoid assumptions we will avoid problems!

When we see members of the opposite gender together we make assumptions. When we read text messages between people, without considering context, we make assumptions. We refuse to believe what our victims say and we hang onto our assumptions. If we avoid assumptions we will avoid problems!

We brand people as heretics based on assumptions. We refuse to hear their side of the story. We gang up against someone based on our assumptions.

The greatest shock on judgment day would be our assumptions proving false. When those we thought are hopelessly wicked get saved it will be shocking. Our assumptions eternally proved to be lies. When the perfect who we assume deserve salvation are doomed to eternal death, it will be shocking. God doesn’t make assumptions why do we?

Rumors and hearsay are assumptions. When someone gives you information and doesn’t want to be quoted, it could be because it is unverified information which is an assumption. If we sought verification, rumors would most likely cease.

Every strained relationship is fueled by assumptions. Even educated people who know the importance of verifying through cross-examination, research, and laboratory work, would still make assumptions about their relationships. May God save us from making assumptions, in Jesus’s name, Amen!

(c) Rei Kesis


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