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  • Saturday, 18 May 2024
7 Ways to Be Mysterious and Arouse His Curiosity

7 Ways to Be Mysterious and Arouse His Curiosity


Instead of being a sharer, be a listener! Don’t seem overly fascinated by what he has to say because that doesn’t appear mysterious, but definitely listen. If you pay attention to specific detail, it will be helpful in appearing mysterious in the long run. In months to come, when you remember that negligible story about his dad being totally controlling, he will be mystified by your attentiveness. If you really long to appear mysterious, ask him few questions, refrain from anything personal, and act as if his answers are borderline dull.

4 Have Scattered Interests

Don’t change yourself to impress a man and certainly don’t lie, but having unusual likes and hobbies will maximally spark his curiosity. A woman who is passionate about something is an attractive woman. If you adore a certain animal, he will wonder what it is about that animal that appeals to you. If you meditate, volunteer, or are a member of a certain club, your partner will be impressed that you are unlike other women in these special ways. Having your own life and being careful to not expose –and brag about—it to others is very mysterious and helpful in dating. Men like women who are individuals and unafraid to be themselves.

5 Be Unavailable

This is a difficult quality to convey. Some women think appearing unavailable means ignoring every call and text they receive from men. This tactic is a risky way of losing his interest. You must remind him that you are interested in him while still being sometimes unavailable when he wants you. Instead, don’t wait for him to contact you, but go about your daily life, and make yourself busy. You have to be available sometimes in order to remain relevant.

6 Be Unreadable

Facial expressions are a subconscious giveaway of feelings. Don’t be completely expressionless, but be conscious of how you react to things he does and says. Don’t be afraid to smile and laugh at his jokes because if you don’t, that might come off rude. Your goal is to be mysterious, not stuck up. Maintain a straight, composed face, and he will constantly be wondering what you are thinking.

7 Don’t Be Too Impressed

Men like a challenge. When a girl is blatantly googly-eyed in his presence, he is aware of her affection and eventually will see no reason to try harder. Say "thank you" when appropriate and definitely don’t ever be cold towards him, but whatever he does for you, act as if you’ve had better. This may seem cruel, but men need to be encouraged to try harder. Be grateful of how he treats you, while still giving the impression that you could easily find similar treatment elsewhere. Men like to be the best, and he won’t quit until he’s fully pleased you.

These are only the basics of being mysterious. The key is just to be discreet and your unique self. Have you ever played these moves on a man? Do you have any more helpful tips to share with us?




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