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  • Friday, 20 September 2024
WhatsApp Products Catalogue Launch- The Newest Feature

WhatsApp Products Catalogue Launch- The Newest Feature

WhatsApp Products catalogue is the newest feature Facebook has added to the WhatsApp Business app, in their bid to monetize the platform. The new feature allows the app users to upload their products in a model better than the previous method. WhatsApp business users have been selling by uploading their products one by one which is both cumbersome and less effective.

Catalogue listing will enable business people to give more information about the product and add the product image. This new feature will give their potential customers an opportunity to browse through various products and have an easy time choosing and buying.

Customers will no longer need to link to the sellers’ websites in order to learn more about the products. The products catalogue is available in full on WhatsApp. This feature gives your business an improved appearance- the new WhatsApp Business looks very professional.

As in April, 2019, WhatsApp had registered more than five million WhatsApp Business users on Android. Having the App available on iOS means that the number is now higher.  Today, WhatsApp has over 1.5 billion users worldwide; this must be one of the reasons as to why Facebook has seen the need to improve it for business development.


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Facebook and Instagram have taken ground on product and service marketing but WhatsApp has been slightly lagging behind. This is now changing with WhatsApp Business. The new product catalogue, for instance has features that are always available on the major e-commerce platforms, for example Mybigorder, where vendors describe their products and even the loction of their businesses.

WhatsApp Pay will even make business transactions even faster.  This is what Facebook will be using until they implement their Libra currency which is still under cloud. The initial rollout of WhatsApp Pay have already started in India.

Even if Facebook for one reason or another fails to unveil the Libra cryptocurrency, WhatsApp Pay would be adequate for business transactions on the social network.

The new WhatsApp products catalogue feature is currently being made available to users in the following countires: Germany, Brazil, Mexico, UK., Brazil and USA. This will soon be extended to other regions of the world.

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