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  • Saturday, 22 February 2025

Ways of encouraging the development of the textile industry in Tanzania

Ways of encouraging the development of the textile industry in Tanzania

Ways of encouraging the development of the textile industry in Tanzania

The following are the ways that if followed could manage the begining of textile Industries in Tanzania, and even though time has yet passed but can be used to establish new era of textile industries
  1. The government should support the industry financially, which can be done by offering soft loans to companies that are involved or interested to invest in the textile sector, or through buying shares in these companies. The government could also fund researches on the development of the textile industry.
  2. The government should come up with favourable policies which encourage the growth and development of the textile industry. This may include reviewing tax rates and power tariffs, as well as reviewing policies on importation of second-hand clothes from abroad. It should also consider the possibility of exempting taxes on materials imported for textile manufacturing.
  3. There is need to improve the production technology to enable production of quality textile products which will be easily marketable. Alternatively, the outdated industrial machinery should be replaced by the new modern machinery that produces high quality and up-to date textile products.
  4. Market researches should be conducted tirelessly, aiming at development of new products and finding alternative and cheap means of production. The new products will help boost and push the industry forward.
  5. Labour should be trained well about textile technology and production. This can be achieved through introducing textile production courses in vocational colleges and in schools and universities.
  6. The government and other stakeholders should improve transport and communication infrastructures so as to reduce the production costs incurred for transporting the textile products and raw materials.
  7. The government has relaxed the regulations on importation of raw materials and exportation of goods abroad. This has enabled stakeholders in the textile industry to export their products timely and without incurring high costs.
  8. Tanzania is a member of regional organizations, such as the East African community (EAC), and the Southern Africa Development Communality (SADC). Therefore, Tanzania’s textile industry benefits significantly from this combined market of about 150 million people. Market availability will automatically boost the textile industry

Generally everything has its solution throw following above procedure will brought better textile industrial because has faild so if re newed again will rise faster compared to before

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