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  • Monday, 31 March 2025

Ways of Addressing the Negative Impact of Tourism in the country

Ways of Addressing the Negative Impact of Tourism in the country

Ways of Addressing the Negative Impact of Tourism in the country

Negative imapact of tourism can be solved throw the following ways and if followed properly there will be no negativity in tourism
State ways of addressing the negative impact of tourism
Ways of addressing negative impact of tourism include:
  1. Laws and policies should be put in place that ensures the revenue accrued from tourism benefits the local community and the government in general.
  2. Tourists should be directed to obey the culture and traditions of the host communities. For example, they should be ordered to dress in a manner acceptable to the host communities.
  3. The countries and local communities that depend heavily on tourism industry should diversify their revenue sources such that when the tourism industry collapses they do not suffer economic difficulties.
  4. In order to conserve and preserve the environment, tourists should be required to dispose off their litter in a proper way. Those who disobey the rules should be heavily fined. Also there should be restrictions on the number of vehicles allowed in a certain area so as to prevent air pollution caused by exhaust fumes.
  5. The laws, rules and regulations should be enacted and enforced to combat criminal incidences, child labour, drug abuse, and prostitution. This should be accompanied by stern punishments for those who fail to comply with the law.
  6. New tourist attractions should be established and developed so as to reduce pressure exerted to already established attractions. This will check congestion in the existing tourist centres.
  7. The local people should be involved in tourism activities so that they benefit in conserving the tourist attractions like wildlife conservation areas, etc.
  8. There should be integration of tourist activities with the protection of the environmental condition through the eco-tourism approach.

Generally throw above ways as it listed it will rise faster tourism sector and make people enjoy their natural resource throw applying confidence and have proud of their area

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