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  • Friday, 20 September 2024
Use Every Word of Your Book Description Text

Use Every Word of Your Book Description Text

Joseph Hogue, author of Crushing YouTube and several other titles had this advice:

First, you absolutely have to be aggressive and personally ask your friends and family for reviews and to purchase during the first week.

Send out review copies at least a month in advance because it will take some reviewers a few weeks to get around to it. The more the merrier but it seems 10 is a minimum you want to aim for on reviews. The double-digit reviews will help you stand out among the masses of books.

I know people that have had success with a free launch. I’ve never seen it. I launch all my books at $0.99 which is basically free but immediately gets you on the ‘paid’ ranking scale. Launching for free means you’ll lose some momentum when you switch to paid.

Again, personally reach out to as many friends and family by email and then by phone and ask for their support. Having a great first week with launch sales and reviews will give you the momentum when you raise the price. When you do raise the price, do so late-morning/early-afternoon. Your book will preserve its rankings for the rest of the day but at the higher price.


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