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  • Saturday, 22 February 2025

Types of Manufacturing Industries in East Africa, Processing industries and fabrication industries

Types of Manufacturing Industries in East Africa, Processing industries and fabrication industries

Types of Manufacturing Industries in East Africa, Processing industries and fabrication industries

Processing industrial,fabrication industrial are types of manufacturing industry the following are the ways on how they work
Processing industries
These are primary industries which convert the raw materials into products that can be used as raw materials for other industries which then process or convert them into finished goods. Examples of processing industries include coffee pulping plants, decorticators, cashew nut hullers and sisal processing factories.
Fabrication industries
Products of Each Type of Manufacturing Industry
Identify products of each type of manufacturing industry
Type of industry and product manufactured.
  • Heavy industries:These are capital-intensive and large scale industries involved in the manufacture of bulky and heavy products. The products are made by using raw materials like iron and steel. Examples of heavy industries are those involved in the manufacture of heavy machinery such as ships, cars, cranes, aeroplanes, bulldozers and rockets.
  • Light industries:These are less capital-intensive industries involved in the manufacture of consumer goods, such as cosmetics, plastics, textiles, paper, shoes, consumer electronics and home appliances. These industries require only a small amount of raw materials, area, and power. The goods they manufacture are often small but of relatively high value per unit weight.
  • High-tech industries:High technology industries, often abbreviated as high tech or hi-tech industries are the type of industries involved in the manufacture of high technology products, such as electronic goods. Examples of electronic devices include computers, phones, telephones, calculators, audio equipment, digital cameras, electrical equipment, etc. The high–tech industry is capital-intensive and reliant on research and development
  • Generally throw types of industrial help us to know which product come from high types and also it simplify work those that need time have their types and those man made have their types.

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