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  • Thursday, 13 March 2025





The known symptoms of COVID-19 are evolving. While the main symptoms to start with were a continuous cough and loss of sense of taste and smell, today the symptoms are much more similar to those of cold and flu. Furthermore, the ZOE Covid study’s data suggests how many vaccine doses you’ve had can impact what symptoms you’ll experience.


For the purpose of the data, those who are “fully vaccinated” are those who have had two doses of the vaccine, not including boosters after that.


The study also looked at those who have had just one dose and people who were completely unvaccinated.

The scientists behind the study said: “Generally, we saw similar symptoms of COVID-19 being reported overall in the app by people who had and hadn’t been vaccinated.


“However, fewer symptoms were reported over a shorter period of time by those who had already had a jab, suggesting that they were falling less seriously ill and getting better more quickly.”



According to those self-reporting symptoms, the most common symptoms in those who had had two doses of the vaccine were:

• Sore throat

• Runny nose

• Blocked nose

• Persistent cough

• Headache.


The team behind the study said the symptoms currently listed by the government didn’t necessarily reflect the reality of the most common symptoms.

They wrote: “The previous ‘traditional’ symptoms as still outlined on the government website, such as anosmia (loss of smell), shortness of breath and fever rank way down the list, at six, 29 and eight respectively.


“A persistent cough now ranks at number five if you’ve had two vaccine doses, so is no longer the top indicator of having Covid.”

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Furthermore, a new symptom has also begun to arise in the fully vaccinated: “Curiously, we noticed that people who had been vaccinated and then tested positive for COVID-19 were more likely to report sneezing as a symptom compared with those without a jab.


“If you’ve been vaccinated and start sneezing a lot without an explanation, you should get a Covid test, especially if you are living or working around people who are at greater risk from the disease.”

Meanwhile, they also have data for those who have had just one dose of the vaccine. These are not too dissimilar from those who have had two doses:

• Headache

• Runny nose

• Sore throat

• Sneezing

• Persistent cough.

The list of symptoms for those who have had no vaccinations are:

• Headache

• Sore throat

• Runny nose

• Fever

• Persistent cough.


What should people do if they have symptoms?


While there is no legal requirement to self-isolate, health experts such as the Covid Zoe study and the NHS recommend staying at home.

The Zoe team write: “If you’ve been vaccinated and start sneezing a lot without an explanation, you should stay home and get a Covid test, especially if you’re living or working around people who are at greater risk from the disease.

“Sneezing is a key way that viruses spread. Try to cover all coughs and sneezes with tissue or the inside of your elbow to minimise the spread of droplets. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth until you wash your hands.

“Sneezing a lot could be a potential sign that someone vaccinated has COVID-19 and, however mild, should take a test and self-isolate to protect their friends, family and colleagues.


“Whether you’ve had your Covid jabs or not, we all still need to be careful to protect your own health as well as those around you in your family, workplace and community.”



What is the current Covid situation in the UK like at the moment?


Case numbers and hospitalisations are rising in the UK as the predicted sixth wave of COVID-19 occurs.

However, while this may seem unnerving, unlike the past two years, it is expected that Christmas may not have to be cancelled.




Projections for the sixth wave suggest that it could peak either at the end of October or November, before the festive period.


While this is positive news for Christmas, it still means the NHS will be under intense pressure.

It will also form part of a twindemic as a wave of flu hits at the same time as Covid surges through the population.

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