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  • Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The most played race for Alliance gamers within World of Warcraft are Humans who make up about 15% of all players playin

The most played race for Alliance gamers within World of Warcraft are Humans who make up about 15% of all players playin

The most played race for Alliance gamers within World of Warcraft are Humans who make up about 15% of all players playin

Although World of Warcraft initially launched with only eight races, the game has grown to include a whopping 23 races today. Although 10 of these are known as "allied races" are more like variants than distinct races, they still provide players with the ability to play the exact characters they prefer. Although World of Warcraft's players base having a variety of options offered however, they tend to be drawn to a select few fans' favorites.

Although Blizzard generally does not offer specific population statistics for specific realms, there  WOW WoTLK Classic Gold have been multiple different census projects over the course of World of Warcraft's history. Since these sources aren't officially recognized, they are not able to provide exact numbers for every realm but they could be used to provide a reliable estimation. While the numbers we use originate before World of Warcraft: Shadowland's release, the expansion did not introduce new races. This means that they are most likely true.

The most played race for Alliance gamers within World of Warcraft are Humans who make up about 15% of all players playing the game. Humans have been around since the game's beginning, Warcraft: Orcs vs Humans, and have been a dominant figure in Azeroth's history. Human's being so popular among players of World of Warcraft comes as somewhat of a surprise, considering that the majority of players like creating characters that resemble themselves and feel uncomfortable playing as a fantasy race.

Night Elves are a close second to Alliance races found in WoW the game, with 13% of players opting for the night-time humanoids. Night Elves are an important part of the game's story, having played an essential aspect in War of the Ancients and playing a role again in the Third War. Night Elves have a number of traits that can entice players to take them on, including a connection to nature that was not shared by the original Alliance races. They are also the only Alliance race to have access the Demon Hunter class in World of Warcraft It's no surprise that they've remained so popular.

Despite not being added to the game until World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Blood Elves are far and away by far the best race of Horde players. Blood Elves make up about 10% of total population of the game, more than 10% more than the second most popular Horde race: Orcs. Blood Elves possess a number benefits when compared with the other members of their faction, including access to both the Demon Hunter and Paladin classes. Also, it is likely that certain Horde players prefer playing as humans, making Blood Elves a clear choice.

With the way that Blood Elves have become in World of Warcraft, it is not WoTLK Gold  a surprising that the most-loved "allied race" is the Void Elves, since they have a model similar to the Void Elves. In terms of the least well-known other race that is not affiliated, assuming that both faction's Pandaren characters are counted as one, then Goblins are in last with just 2% of the total number of players.

Although every race in WoW offers passive advantages as well as distinctive racial capabilities, many players choose their race based on their appearance rather than their abilities. There are three races: Humans, Night Elves, and Blood Elves, it is evident that the majority people who play World ofWarcraft like the human-like races that contributed significantly to Azeroth's past.

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