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Safaricom Introduces Reverse Call: Now You Can Call Without Airtime

Safaricom Introduces Reverse Call: Now You Can Call Without Airtime

Safaricom Introduces Reverse Call: Now You Can Call Without Airtime

Safaricom has introduced yet a new product known as ‘reverse call.’ This is to enable their customers make calls even when they have zero airtime on their phones. Even when one has airtime, they still can make calls at no charge by transferring the charges to the recipient.

Those of us who were privileged to have found the public booth telephones (I’m just avoiding the phrase ‘old enough’) can understand this more easily. Then, you would call the operator requesting a call back from the person you wanted to speak to and then they would be the ones to pay.

Safaricom has now a number of products that enable their customers do a number of things even when they don’t have a budget. Some of these include, the ‘Please Call Me’ free message; the ‘flash back’ call and the recent ‘Fuliza’ which is enabling someone send money via MPesa when their account has none or inadequate amount for the transaction.

This reverse call product is now the ‘brand new’ product for Safaricom customers. It will help especially children who would like to call their parents. Students, for instance, must be among the number one people group to benefit from this product. Instead of sending a flash back call, one will be calling normally only that the call charges will be paid by the person you are calling.

Safaricom has said that it’s is always their commitment to provide their customers with relevant products in line with their needs.

“This innovation is in line with this commitment and has been tailored to mirror the relationships between our customers with a goal of empowering them to always remain connected with their loved ones,” said their Chief Customer Officer, Sylvia Mulinge.

How Does This Reverse Call Work?

To make the reverse call, you will only need to add a ‘#’ before the phone number. This way, the cost is automatically transferred to the call recipient. If, for instance, you want your friend with 0723424242 to pay the cost for the call, you will dial the number as #0723424242

However, the recipient must be notified first, so before they receive the call, they are aware that they will be the one to pay for the same. They have the options of either acknowledging or declining the request.

The notification is through a voice prompt whereby the receiver will be needed to key in ‘1’ to accept that they will bear the costs. The good thing is that the cost is just the same that one is charged under normal calls.

This liberty is important as one may not be willing to exhaust their airtime on a certain call. Still, they might not have the airtime to use as well. The notification will also ensure that people, friends or family don’t take advantage of others unnecessarily.

Important to note is that reverse call can only work with Safaricom customers. If you are calling a person who is using another mobile network, this product will not help.

Safaricom reverse call also does not favour roaming users or international calls. Either way, it will suit so many people, every Kenyan can attest to this even before they have used it.

Safaricom reverse call is a product that comes to complement the already existing free ‘Please Call Me’ messages. This is an advantage because the messages are limited to only five in a day. With the reverse calls, one can make as many calls as the persons being called can accept.

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