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Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore Dies at 61; Body Cremated at Kariokor

Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore Dies at 61; Body Cremated at Kariokor

Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore Dies at 61; Body Cremated at Kariokor

Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore, whose official name is Robert William Collymore died on Monday, 1 July 2019 at 2.30am at his home in Nairobi. This is after battling with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) for about two years.

Bob Collymore was diagnosed with the type of blood cancer in London back in October 2017. This was after he had visited some two local hospitals after he experienced some flu-like symptoms and some severe pain in the shin. He started at Agakhan University Hospital where he was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency and was given some supplements to use.

Being not satisfied with the diagnoses, he decided to visit Dr. David Silverstein at Nairobi hospital for the same issue. A total of 30 tests were done which costed him Kshs. 100,000. Eventually, Dr. Silverstein told him that there was some problem with his blood and would send him to a specialist in London.

It hadn’t dawned on Bob how serious the illness could have been until the doctor told him that he had to leave for London the same night. This is where he was found to have the Acute Myeloid Leukemia which has claimed his life close to two years later.

Bob had to spend nine months in London under treatment after which he resumed his official duties at Safaricom. Lately, he has had a painful moment as narrated by the renowned Citizen Television News Anchor, Jeff Koinange. Jeff was a close friend of Bob and had spent at least two hours with him at his Nairobi home on Saturday, June 29 2019.

Together with some other friends, Jeff had paid the Late Bob a visit and they spent a good time together. He (Jeff) says that he has never seen a person ready for death as he did Bob, whom he had nicknamed ‘Kihara’ due to his bald head.

Bob told them that he felt ready for death believing that he had lived a good life and done what he ought to have done. But they wouldn’t have guessed it was to come so soon.

He also revealed that his doctor had told him that only luck would have taken him to the end of July 2019; too bad the luck just didn’t happen.

Bob Collymore moved to Kenya back in November 2010 to take up the CEO role at Safaricom. He previously worked for Vodafone in South Africa. He has made a major impact in the nine years that he has led the company, Mpesa Foundation Academy being one of them.

Collymore will be remembered for leading Safaricom to great profits leaving the company at a net profits worth Sh.63.4 Billion.

Bob Collymore’s body was cremated (as he had wished) on Tuesday, July 2 2019, a day after his death. The cremation was done at Kariokor Crematorium in a private function where only the selected few were allowed.

Those that were allowed to enter the crematorium include, his mother, sister, his wife, Wambui Kamiru, children and some two other ladies believed to be family members or very close acquaintances. The rest (special guests) would connect with them outside afterwards.

Bob Collymore died at the age of 61, leaving behind his wife and four children.

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