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Rongo Arbitrator Excites Kenyans With Defense against BBI Appeal

Rongo Arbitrator Excites Kenyans With Defense against BBI Appeal

Rongo Arbitrator Excites Kenyans With Defense against BBI Appeal

– Aluochier joined other respondents at the Nairobi Court of Appeal in a case in which the BBI team sought to overturn a decision of the lower court

– He urged the court to defend and respect the Constitution of Kenya from the imminent mutilation by the political leaders

– Kenyan online community who followed the proceedings were evidently wowed by the layman's grasp of the complex legal matter

After petitioning the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) over the 2013 presidential election, Isaac Aluoch Polo Aluochier returned to the court for the Building Bridges Initiative appeal hearing.

The political activist who preferred to act in person joined other respondents at the Nairobi Court of Appeal in a case in which the BBI team sought to overturn a decision of the lower court.

A five-judge High Court bench had on Thursday, May 13 declared the Constitution of Kenya Amendment process null and void and cited that President Uhuru Kenyatta overstepped his mandate.

Picking from where the judges left, Oluochier urged the court to defend and respect the Constitution of Kenya from the imminent mutilation by the political leaders.

"I was enjoying my quiet life of farming in Rongo. But when you see the country’s foundational law being mutilated, I had to come up and defend the Constitution," he stated.

The arbitrator noted Uhuru is not the sovereign of Kenya and thus he works in the best interest of the Kenyan people who have powers to correct him if he goes wrong.

"He is a subject of us, we are the one paying his salary, we are the ones delegating him. He is our employee, maybe the most senior employer and when he goes off the rail we come here to discipline him.

Outside the country, he can ride on the sovereignty," he told the quiet court.

Aluochier asked the justice Daniel Musinga-led to punish Uhuru and findhim personally liable for all the expenses of the BBI steering committee and the entire process.

"The BBI bill is dead on arrival. That one is finished and if they want to appeal and take us to the Supreme Court, tunawangoja huko - no problem," he added.

Kenyan online community who followed the proceedings were evidently wowed by the layman's grasp of the complex legal matter.

"Many Kenyans may not know who Isaac Aluochier Polo is. I first met him in 2012 litigating against abuse of state power. He has been

consistent on this and has litigated many cases to date. He exemplifies the model citizen the Constitution has in mind," advocate Waikwa

Wanyoike tweeted.


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