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  • Thursday, 19 September 2024
Raila accuses Ruto of failing starving Kenyans

Raila accuses Ruto of failing starving Kenyans

Opposition Leader Raila Odinga has accused the government for its response to the drought, which has resulted in food shortages and the high price of commodities.

In a statement, Odinga claimed the government has no concrete plans to tackle the situation, and cast doubts on the importation and use of genetically modified foods in the country.

The logic behind introducing Genetically Modified Foods into the county provides a chance for leaders to make a kill and pay back the big foreign backers for the gain of shylocks in government,” he said.

He also accused President William Ruto of failing to provide relief to millions of Kenyans facing drought.
According to official data, more than 4.2 million Kenyans experience acute food shortage, with those in dire need of emergency response at 785,000.

This situation requires a massive emergency response programme to ensure rapid delivery of food, water and medicine to the millions of people, not just in arid and semi-arid areas but in virtually all corners of the country, who are affected by the prolonged drought.

This required emergency response is evidently missing, but instead, the government is consumed by politics of survival and the elections of 2027,” Odinga said.

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