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  • Sunday, 08 September 2024
Pastor Ezekiel faces a law suit

Pastor Ezekiel faces a law suit

Milele Funeral Burial and Benevolent Services in Kilifi county has decided to sue Pastor Ezekiel for his miracles.

He allegedly cleansed a black spot near the funeral home and then publicly declared that the morgue had lost business after he sprinkled holy water on the spot.

Pastor Ezekiel stated that the morgue was not near any medical facility and that meant that they were welcoming deaths along the stretch since they have everything to cater for the dead.

"At Mbogolo slope on your way to Mombasa on your right, there is somewhere written Milele Funeral home. There is no hospital, dispensary or clinic but it’s just a funeral home. And that area is a black spot.

"In other words, they are telling you that they are welcoming deaths along that stretch because they have their ready business for funeral service. They are telling you that we welcome you to die, we have everything ready for the funeral service," Ezekiel said.

The pastor said he cleansed the spot out of irritation using three bottles of water.

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