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‘Entrepreneurs Workshop: Digital Marketing Blueprints 2020, Sharing YALI Experience

‘Entrepreneurs Workshop: Digital Marketing Blueprints 2020, Sharing YALI Experience

ew digital marketing blueprints for 2020 is what every entrepreneur should be thinking at this period of the year. Unlike other traditional business models, digital way of doing business is growing rapidly. In this workshop MIX, Mr. Alphonce Juma who is a YALI Alumni,  Founder Oracom Group, Digital Marketing Training Facilitator at Oradmt, Winner of KCB Lions Den Season 3, Global Entrepreneurship Summit delegate, Top 10 Under 30 Entrepreneur and 2019 Ecommerce Innovations Award Winner will be sharing his experience at the YALI on what he learnt at the Obama Foundation program.

Key will be his picks on Design Thinking for Business Owners and the 7 Habits of Highly effective Young Professionals. Quick invitations have been made to the YALI Team, YALI Network and tag along some of his fellow Alumni to join. This will be a no miss blend.

Register to Attend Here:
For Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Change Makers, Mentorship Seekers, Youth in Business, Career Persons, Students, All…

In Digital, what was working for you at the beginning of 2019 may become totally obsolete as this 2019 ends. No serious entrepreneur should forget or ignore this workshop, ”New Digital Marketing Blueprints 2020, YALI Experience and Entrepreneurs Workshop.” A panel will set the tone on Organic vs Inorganic traffic.

The culmination of this workshop will be a sharing of powerful entrepreneurial lessons learnt from YALI. At least 7,000 Africans apply for YALI every year but the fact is that only about 100 people get the chance to join the programme. Mr. Alphonce Juma got it this year after 3 failed attempts and feels the insights he has got is just too much to keep to himself. He want many other Kenyans to tap into the knowledge he has acquired as we all look forward to a wholesomely transformed nation and Africa at large.

Mr. Alphonce has pledged to start countrywide and town by town talks to Entrepreneurs and Youth in Business. Backed by his startup Network My Leader Kenya and his Training Partners, he and the team just need a group of people to invite them in their local / rural areas and they will plan and avail themselves – This is the impact Africa needs.

Driven by stories of young people doing amazing things in the rural areas, it is all systems go. Its all about changing Africa perceptions and the mindsets of the Youth to create opportunities in Business.


Is Your business / company / self DigitallyFit?

Take an Online Presence Test here or Speak to an Expert on info@digitallyfit.top | +254 745 564 273 | +254 729 990 583 – Digital is now easier & cheaper…

  1. Domain 2. Hosting 3. SSL 4. Logo/ Business Cards 5. Website 6. Mobile Responsiveness / Apps 7. Branded Emails 8. SEO 9. Social Media 10. Blog 11. Vlog 12. Livechat 13. Maintenance & Management 14. Local Listings/Directories 15. Databases 16. Bulk SMS 17. Paid Ads 18. Remarketing 19. Email Marketing 20. Data & Analytics.

With about ten years of experience on the digital; training, agency and strategies, OraDMT has considered and studied deeply on digital dynamics. The institution would like to impact other digital enthusiast with necessary skills to get them doing business successfully come 2020. ORADMT is therefore glad to invite you for this one day Digital Marketing Training where you will get the rare opportunity to learn ‘from YALI’ as well.

The workshop is organized for all of OraDMT previous trainees (alumni), Business Persons, Entrepreneurs, Digital Marketing Experts, Business Owners, Young Persons/Students/Form 4 leavers looking for mentors and any other person who would like to venture into the digital for business. They have a total of 50 slots only.

The digital experts are already set and ready for you -15 days to time

The event will take place on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at the Six-Eighty Hotel, Nairobi CBD. The aim is to get you to learn how to effectively market your business and dominate your industry with your digital presence. You will get to see what is new on digital, that is, important trends to watch in 2020.

Register to Attend Here:
For Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Change Makers, Mentorship Seekers, Youth in Business, Career Persons, Students, All…

This workshop will empower you on how to prepare to face the digital in its new dynamics for your business. It will be a moment to evaluate how you have been handling your business digitally, what you have done right so far and how you need to tweak it to remain relevant in the new dispensation. You will also be able to learn what is new and how best to take it up to realize an increased ROI.

The main topics to be discussed include:

  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing Blueprints
  2. Panel Discussion: Organic vs Inorganic Digital Marketing Trends 2020
  3. Meet the Trainer Break Away Session – Digital Expert vs Delegate
  4. My Picks from YALI (Young African Leaders Initiative), a Message to Entrepreneurs – by Alphonce Juma (YALI ALUMNI)
  5. Our Online Journey – A Sharing of our Story
  6. Networking Session and Photo Session

To register, click here.  Do it early to enjoy the early-bird ticket.

In case of any enquiry, the OraDMT team can be reached on email info@oradmt.com or phone 0745 564 273. You can also visit their website for more information about the workshop.

‘New digital marketing blueprints 2020’ workshop is a place for everyone who wishes to have their businesses running past December 2020.

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