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  • Friday, 20 September 2024
Meru MCAs Disapprove of Governor Kawira's Speech and Charge Her With Arrogance

Meru MCAs Disapprove of Governor Kawira's Speech and Charge Her With Arrogance

As Governor Kawira Mwangaza's address in the House was rejected by Members of County Assembly (MCAS), chaos ensued in the Meru County Assembly on Wednesday.
Governor Kawira was refused access into the building as some members chanted "Hatutaki."

The MCAs alleged that the governor had been unkind to their requests for the past two weeks to hold meetings with them and had disregarded their demands. They cited arrogance as the reason for the denial.

Meru MCAs reject Governor Kawira's address, accuse her of arrogance

In addition, they claimed that Governor Kawira and her officials had humiliated them by refusing to recognize them as elected officials.

"As an assembly consisting of 69 members we have today resolved that we are not going to listen to the Governor's address reason being that we have sought audience with the governor for the last two weeks seeking to have a sitting with her so that we can discuss on the way forward on how we are going to work for the people of Meru which has been to no avail," said an MCA addressing the media on Tuesday.

"The governor and her officers are out there to demean the MCAs but they have been elected therefore we need to have respect between the office of the governor and members of the County Assembly."

They, therefore, vowed to also not attend to summons from the Governor until their demands are met.

They claim that without a healthy working relationship all County developments will be impeded, rendering demands from County electorates not feasible.

"We therefore feel if the governor has no time to listen to our demands and needs and the needs of our electorates, we are also not ready to give her audience," he added.

"We must establish a functioning partnership in order for us to move forward. The governor must realise that the country's two branches of government—the legislature and the executive—are interdependent and that neither can function well alone. We reassure her that we are prepared to support her, but without a sitting, this cannot happen."



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