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  • Sunday, 08 September 2024
List of crime hotspots in Nairobi released

List of crime hotspots in Nairobi released

The National Police Service has now listed areas it terms as crime hotspots, urging residents to be on the lookout or avoid them at all costs, this comes days after denying insecurity reports in some parts of the city.

In a report, the NPS stated that the areas are prone to attacks by thugs who are targeting pedestrians, businesses especially M-pesa shops and residential areas.

The marked areas include; Globe Cinema, Kipande Road, Thika highway, Drive-In flyover to Kenya College of Accountancy (KCA) and the underpass at KCA towards the Total petrol station exit.

Other areas include parts of the Central Business District (CBD) towards River Road, Archives, Kirinyaga Road, Fig Tree, ABC Place, and Kangemi.

According to the recent data collected by authorities, the incidents were reported by victims who indicated that they were mugged both during the day and night.

The victims were either mugged in the streets, carjacked, assaulted and some others killed.

“We advise the minimal use of mobile phones and laptops in traffic. Avoid carrying ATM cards when not absolutely necessary. Also, avoid leaving bags, wallets or any valuable items in your cars,” police advised.

Police have also urged citizens to fully comply with the criminals instead of fighting back and in case of any emergency, to contact 0203556771.


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