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  • Thursday, 19 September 2024
Kaluma, Wangari Among 6 Members To Run House Proceedings Wetangula’s Absence

Kaluma, Wangari Among 6 Members To Run House Proceedings Wetangula’s Absence

The National Assembly has approved six members who will assist speaker Moses Wetangula run the proceedings in the committee of the whole house.


This is in pursuant to the provisions of Article 107(1) (c) of the Constitution and Standing Order 16, which calls for the constitution of the Chairperson panel to ensure seamless conduct in the House.


Members elected in the panel who are drawn from both Azimio La Umoja One Kenya and Kenya Kwanza Alliance will preside over the house in the absence of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker.


Those drawn from the President William Ruto led coalition include Martha Wangari (Gilgil), David Ochieng (Ugunja) and Omboko Milemba (Vihiga)


The Raila Odinga led coalition representation in the panel include Farah Maalim (Dadaab), Peter Kaluma (Homabay Town) and Rachel Nyamai (Kitui).


“(1) The Speaker shall preside at any sitting of the House but in absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall preside and in absence of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, a member elected by the House for that purpose pursuant to Article 107 of the Constitution shall preside,” states section 16 of the standing orders.


Majority Leader Kimani Ichungwa stated that the Chairperson Panel is well constituted with season members who have served for more than two terms.


Ichungwa mentioned that the pane will oversee the third reading which is critical in passing legislation in the house.


“The most important stage of legislation is the third reading and this chairperson will preside over the third reading. Be active participate in the third reading,” stated Ichungwa.






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