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  • Sunday, 23 February 2025




The Kenya is increasing tabbing and growing number of industries to drive economy expansion is a no brainer.B6 and large,the growth of any country is driven by iñterconnected sector.The 2016 Kenya country economy memorandum by.the world bañk,for example,note that between 2006-2013,72% of the increase in cross domestic product came from the service sector.

Expansion in services such as fintech and communication stimulated demand for other services,such as trade,according to the report.surprising, kenyan's domeatic sevices sector largely remain untapped,despite it's immense potential to constitute to the Kenyan economy.Domestic workers;cleaners.cooks,garders,nannies and housekeepers comprises a substantial part of halfvof the global workforce that's informal employment.

Kenyans food and drinks industry is berahabes the most developed in the region,with the country leading in hotel and supermarket numbers.The rapid expansion of food change entry of global supermarket and new international brands is clear manifestation of these.Additionally,with tourism being one the region biggest earners and with a huge growing middleclass,the food and bevarage industry is set for exponential growth.Therw is ,therefore,a growing need for expertise to serve this flowrishing market.

The CEM report proposes some how (to) ideas to sustain crop in the services sector intrestingly,most of hte job within the period were created bythe informal economy and concentrated in low productivity areas such as trade,hospitality and jua Kali who.can be hired to do any task.

The international labour organization estimate tja there are sixty seven million workers,aged 15 years and older,worldwide(ILO,2015c).Fifty million of this are estimated to be informal employment, making it one of the sector with highest share of informal employment.

Locally domestic services is sharping up as one the biggest employers as is with.housekeeping and laundry in the hospitality industry. However,the.domestic services sector remains instructed.

This call for deliberate investment to improve the fortune of these key segment.increasingly,more and more domeatic workers are willing to pursue further education to built on there skills,in effect main streaming these sector but besides getting into formal and self employment, the youth trained in domestic services can be empowered and facilitated to operate on businesses,where they can in turn employ peers.its on these background that the KCB foundation has partner with the technical institutions to support the training of domestic workersunder its 2jiajiri program. Upon training the beneficiaries are provided with business development support servives and access to.capital in form of discounted loans to start or expand there domestic service business. Over one thousand youth have to date benefited from the domestic services program. The foundation has organized the beneficiaries into groups to enable them set up sustainable businesse.


2jiajiri is a wealth and job creation program launched in 2016 wich seekes to formalize the informal sector and skilled for self employment and targets the youth and small business the programhas a three step approach; inception-where vocation give training is provided in the areas of agribusinesses, automotive engineering, beauty and personal care,building and construction and domestic services; two,incupation,where program.participats received finance support as well as business development services for there existing or new business for a year.


BDS is deployed through a trained member consultancy deam drawn.from.a pool of graduates from leading local universities to offer legal,marketing and financial management support to the small and medium enterprises; three,majority,where the small and medium business become pancable and secure business services from a financial institution.


Innovative iniatives such as these will not only open up the space but will also guaranteed employment opportunities for Kenya's youth.


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