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  • Friday, 18 October 2024






_*And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.*_


   *Matthew 14:28-29*


_The apostle Peter was in the boat with all the other disciples when they saw Jesus walking on the water. Why did Peter want to get out and join Jesus on the water? Why did he think he could do that?_


_Was it because he had seen Jesus open the blind eyes and cleanse the lepers and do all those miraculous things? Maybe, but the other disciples in the boat had seen the same things. Why didn't they want to get out? Peter understood it was his time. He stirred up his faith. He ignited that moment and believed he could do what God put in his heart._


_Jesus said, "Peter, do you want to get out of the boat?"_


_"Yes, I do," said Peter."_


_Well, get out. "Peter stepped out of the boat and he walked on the water._


_Sure, he sank. Yes, he went under. But Peter walked on water farther than you or I have ever gone! Maybe you need to be instilled with Peter's boldness._


_Don't just believe your time is coming; *believe your time is here!* All the dreams you've buried, those desires you thought would never work out—it's time to believe. You need to have the attitude: *It's my time to come up to a new level. I've seen it happen for others, but it's my time to see God's blessings and favor. It's my time to accomplish my dreams. It's my time to break these addictions.*_


_No more sitting around wishing your dream would come true. No more bitterness, hurt, or jealousy. Your time has come!_


_Say what Peter said: *"God, can I walk with you? I believe it's my time now."*_


_Notice what Jesus said. He didn't say, *"Peter, stay in that boat. Don't you know I'm the Son of God?"*_


_He said, "Peter, I like your attitude of faith. I like the fact you believe you could do great things. That tells me it's your time now." We all have dreams yet to unfold. Stay filled with hope._


_Don't get complacent and think your dream never will happen. Understand that God is working behind the scenes right now, arranging for your dreams to flourish._


_I believe even the chains of mediocrity, failure, and addiction are being broken as you read this. It may look like your dream has died, but the good news is: God can resurrect even dead dreams._ 


_He did it for Moses. He can do it for you._


_Get up every morning and declare it by faith: *"My time is coming."* If you do that, I believe like Simeon, before you leave this earth, you'll see God bring to pass every dream He's put in your heart._




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