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  • Friday, 20 September 2024
Fly away from your past. Don't get planted in old things.

Fly away from your past. Don't get planted in old things.


People who ask to remain friends are usually either softening the breakup so that it doesn't look final and painful, or they're afraid of you finding another love and so they want to hang around and obstruct that.

Their insecurities gnaw at them and they want to monitor what you're doing to make sure you're not finding happiness without them.


This exaplains why people will create pseudo accounts to follow you on social media when you expected them to focus on their own life.

They're too immature and insecure to fathom the idea that you may have found happiness elsewhere. And yet in many cases it's the same person who called for or caused the breakup. 


Solution? Avoid lingering problems and unresolved issues in life. Once a relationship has come to an end it's better to lay the whole matter to rest and move on. It doesn't mean you've become enemies and nobody should accuse you of being unforgiving just because you close doors on any further interactions. You're not angry, you're hurting. And you're not holding grudges, you're trying to heal. You want a fresh beginning and self care calls for you to remove all reminders of old pain.


You're not being immature, you're being practical and forward thinking. 


Like the slogan of an aviation company called Corporate Helicopters would put it, 'Time flies, and so should you.'





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