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  • Friday, 18 October 2024
Does Women Empowerment Intimidate Men?

Does Women Empowerment Intimidate Men?

In a bid to restore the masculinity of men, there have been and still, are many campaigns pointing out what has popularly been known as simping. Is there a definition for a simp? Yeah, there is quite a number. Traditionally, women were confined to the kitchen and the house chores whereas the man’s role was to provide. During the 21st century, there have been so many girl-child and women empowerment initiatives whose motive has never been known to men. The rise of feminists who think they know more than the original designer of humanity who gave man the utmost authority to lead and govern has worsened the situation and led to an increase in beta males, men who no longer take charge of their lives and families but depend on women to help them sort raise their families.

I have had several engagements with men and most of them feel that empowering the girlchild as the boychild is neglected is causing more harm than good. Many men feel threatened when women help them in sorting the bills. A man feels masculine when he takes charge! Men Need power and dominance. In a men’s talk show, I heard a man say that he’s the Head of his family and if his wife doesn’t like it he can put up or shut up. It sounded harsh but masculine. In his case, he was the sole provider. He never felt threatened because though his wife had a job, he never let her take charge of his home. He build their home and bought all that was required to equip their new home. People might say that in the jungle, the lionesses go hunting while the male stays behind, but the lion is still king. Why is that so? Why doesn’t the lion feel threatened by the lionesses’ help? It is because he provides more than what the lioness does. The lion has the strength and power to go hunting. He can provide security to the family whereas the lioness can’t. So does the lioness help the lion in any way? The answer is Yes and NO. Yes because with her help, it becomes easy to get the prey, and no because she gets involved in a responsibility that is not hers.

It’s good to note that the modern man has not changed but the modern woman has. Just like the Lion and lioness, the old generation woman understood her role and didn’t allow it to make her proud. She never followed her husband to the bar, or go for a girl’s night out. She never asked her husband to help her with the house chores because they both had a long day in the office. She never questioned her man and was submissive. She understood that men do not care about love and that what they need is not love but respect and submission. She was always ready to open the door for her husband whenever she came late. What about the modern woman? Does she do anything closer to that? Your guess is as good as mine. If there is no submission and respect, then help is not needed. Do modern men feel threatened? No, they don’t. They are just protecting their territory and maintaining their frame. There is no place for betas in this world. It’s an alpha setup!

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