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  • Friday, 20 September 2024
Dead Kenyans leave a lot of Unclaimed Assets

Dead Kenyans leave a lot of Unclaimed Assets

According to the  Unclaimed Assets Trust Fund deceased Kenyans have left behind Sh2 billion in mobile money wallets as the government struggles to find and reunify beneficiaries of billions in unclaimed financial assets.  

The report says that  receipts from telecommunication companies in 2021 hit Sh2 billion, 36 per cent higher than previous year, while value of unclaimed shares at Nairobi Securities Exchange, stood at Sh20.1 billion.

The report comes on the back of mounting concern that compliance by asset holders, which include commercial banks, Saccos, pension schemes, utility firms and telecommunication firms remains low.

Listed companies, insurance firms, Saccos and pension funds had surrendered Sh3.2 billion, Sh1.2 billion, Sh44 million and Sh29.3 million in unclaimed assets to the UATF as at last year.

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