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  • Thursday, 19 September 2024

Best Hotels in Kenya for your Holiday travels, parties and honeymoon: Kisimani Resort and Spa!

Kisimani Eco Resort and Spa is stunning leisure palace on amazingly wetland fringed by dozens of springs and riverine surrounded by giant trees and evergreen forest, a rare phenomenon in a dryland.

An oasis of tranquility in the boarder of Isiolo and Meru, Kisimani Eco Resort sits on a 30-acre virgin ground where water, believed to be underground springs from Mount Kenya sprouts out of the ground to quench the thirst of arid areas of Isiolo and Meru, where it serves more than 300,000 homes.

The Resort blends stylishly elegant nature’s gift of water in the “desert” with supremely luxurious accommodation and swimming Pool to be completed in June, 2022; nature trails, sparkling water gardens, fishponds, and beautifully landscaped lawns and grounds for events such as camping, wedding, meetings and sports.

Other activities include zip linings, high ropes, archery, hiking and kid’s playground. All this combined with the loving care of our staff will make your stay at Kisimani intriguing, relaxing and warmly memorable.

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