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Background Check for Employment Services

Background Check for Employment Services

Background Check for Employment Services

Background Check Process For Criminal Records

Employer background checks can cover your job history, credit history, driving records, and criminal history, according to SunBD.

A criminal record affects 77.7 million people in the United States, or approximately one out of every three adults. Every day, between 10,000 and 12,000 additional identities are added, and 38% of respondents admit to embellishing on resumes or job applications.



Key Points:

  1. The most important aspect of the background screening process is criminal records.
  2. When a corporation needs to know about criminal records or activities such as violent crimes, criminal record checks are used.
  3. Verifying employment entails contacting previous and, on rare occasions, present employers.



Check below to know how we check background:


  • Previous work experience

You must be absolutely honest on your job application, avoiding even the tiniest lie on a CV, otherwise the findings of a background check may disturb you.


  • History of credit

During background checks, a corporation may look into your credit for a variety of reasons.

The most typical argument is that your credit history demonstrates your financial responsibility.

If you're seeking for a job that requires you to handle money, your credit report will tell the employer whether or not hiring you would be a financial risk after the initial interview.


  • Records of driving

If you're on the road for business, your employer is responsible for you. They want to make sure you have a clean driving record so they know you'll be safe behind the wheel of one of their automobiles.


  • Criminal record

Companies must ensure that their employees work in a safe atmosphere. Many people believe that doing criminal background checks as part of an employment screening is critical to maintaining a safe workplace.



Note: The type and quantity of information checked is determined by the hiring policy of the company. The type of employment you're being considered for will also be a factor. Some companies conduct no background checks at all, while others conduct extensive background checks.



How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Job?

  1. The background check will take roughly a week if you're applying for a non-federal job.
  2. When applying for a federal job, the background check can take many months.
  3. These timescales are, of course, for the background check itself.
  4. The employer is unlikely to contact you the same day they receive the results.
  5. Before they contact you, they must review the results.




What Are the Current Global Screening Challenges?

  1. Choosing the right vendor
  2. Verification replies' authenticity
  3. Risk mitigation uncertainty
  4. Non-compliance with international treaties
  5. Exorbitant prices
  6. Processing time is slow.

Compliance with a plethora of federal, state, and municipal rules is a difficult undertaking for many firms, which is why worldwide background verification must be done with care.




4 Tips to Help You Improve Your Background Screening Procedures


  1. Make sure to include everyone in your background checks.

If you ignore those who are already employed by your organization, you are exposing yourself to a risk that a regular background check could help you prevent.

To ensure a safer and more candid workplace, establish a policy that requires regular staff tests upon hire and possibly annually.

  1. At All Levels, Maintain Consistent Compliance

You can safeguard your organization from potential discrimination lawsuits and other privacy issues by ensuring that your hiring and legal teams are up to date on compliance issues at the local, state, and federal levels.

  1. Simplify your search to find out what's most important to the new hire's job.

If your company doesn't have enough money to complete a full candidate screening, or if you just want to get the most important information for any reason, you can choose the screenings that are most relevant to your company and the employee's function.



4.Work with a background screening company to ensure that all of your bases are covered.

You may feel comfortable that if you engage with a professional background screening company that is certified in FCRA and through the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), they will cover all of your bases.

Do You Want to Improve Your Background Check Process?

Now is an excellent moment to begin doing background checks or refining your hiring process, but you may require assistance interpreting the regulations that protect the rights of both candidates and workers.

Contact Global Verification Network (GVN) to find out how we can assist you in conducting thorough and compliance background checks that instill trust in the process and your employees.



Your employment is your source of income. Knowing your federally protected rights can make the difference between employment and unemployment.

You can speed up the completion of your background check by being detailed and honest. Get in touch with us.


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